Saturday, January 6, 2018

MS Word - Search for all Instances of Superscript or Subscript in a Document

Right now I am proofing a technical document for the oil and gas industry. One of the things I'm doing is copying the text from a badly formatted source file and pasting it into a new, clean document and tagging all the paragraphs with the correct styles. Some of the original formatting is very bad, so this is the fastest way to do this.

Prior to cutting the text, I use the Clear All Formatting tool (it's on the Home Tab in the Font Group) to strip out everything from the source text. This gives me a clean block of text to paste into the new document. Unfortunately, this also clears out superscripts and subscripts. After pasting the text, I compare the two documents and retag the appropriate text (CO2 becomes CO2, for example).

But, when it comes time to proof, I need to go through the entire source document and search for all instances where the author used a subscript or a superscript. In a long document after a busy day, I can't rely on my eyes to catch each and every tiny number or letter. So, I found this process at this site, and it allows MS Word to find and highlight all instances of subscript (and a second pass finds the superscripts) using the standard Find/Replace tool in MS Word.

Thanks to Allen Wyatt for posting this great MS Word Tip:

Since it's his material, I'm not going to reprint it here without permission. Just follow the link and thank him for this ingeniously simple, but useful, power user tip.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Resource: Convert Daz Poses to Poser

One of the biggest drawbacks of using Poser 11 as my primary render tool is that it limits me to using older figures, like Michael 4 and Victoria 4. Now, those are FANTASTIC figures that have literally thousands (if not tens of thousands) of items, characters and hairstyles available. They are probably the most popular figures ever created for this type of work.

But... sometimes you want something new, and many of the Genesis figures offer more features, more control points (making it easier to get better control of expressions and body parts, as well as automatic muscle flexing when the arms or legs bend).

Now, there are ways to use some Genesis figures in Poser, but that only brings the figure over. It doesn't give you access to their poses because those are stored in a different format than are used in Poser.

I'm not going to peek under the hood into the differences between the two formats (some of it's beyond my skill level, anyway), but I was excited to start this new year with an exciting discovery: a batch script to convert a Daz Poses to Poser!

I haven't used it, yet, but I will and report on the results shortly. I just wanted to share it here so others could enjoy it, and so I won't lose the link!

This is a script that runs in Daz Studio, btw.